My head juz seems like it is going to explode soon.. can't think of anything except strangling him till he suffocate to death! Yes i know he is clueless like a headless irritating housefly but yet i can't help myself to think tat he is juz another selfish bastard.
No matter how nice he put it across to me... or how helpless he appear in front of me... it cannot change the fact that he is being selfish! From day one, he gave me hope! Paint pictures of lies... till now his promises and lies juz caught up with him! my question is.. y regret now?! we could have juz ended it during the first 3 mths and lesser people are involved!?? Now... so many things to worry.. so many people involved... perhaps he is juz out to destroy my life!
Time is he need.. but doesn't he noe time is running out for me! He took so much time away from me to do things for myself and now he is still asking for time?! He juz could not give up his freedom... or be a dad!! Not ready means not ready so i hope he stop his self-pitying campaign. Maybe he hopes he juz deemed himself as irresponsible and can juz wipe his butt and leave??!! what the hell...
The more i read about all those baby bonus etc that my kid will be deprived off... the more frustrated i feel. The tot of what a single mum is supposed to face in the future... deprive of her own rightful benefits.. i juz wan him to disappear from my face...
I realli dunno what to do... i can onli tell myself what rotten luck i have in this life...
To meet such a rotten guy...
But yet he gave me a precious gift... a precious but agonized gift...
The 3 words tat keep floating in my mind..